12 Successful 80s and 90s Supermodels: Then and Now (3 of 7)

Claudia Schiffer

As a teenager, Claudia Schiffer had dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, getting noticed at a German nightclub put the kibosh on those plans. Instead, she had to settle for making millions as one of the most recognizable faces in the modeling industry in the 1990s. These days, the mother-of-three still does some modeling, has also come out with a series of fitness videos, owns a hair care line and a cashmere collection, and donates her time and money to various charitable causes.

Naomi Campbell

Who would have imagined that the young teenager who briefly appeared as one of the tap dancers in the Culture Club video “I’ll Tumble 4 Ya” would go on to have one of the most decorated supermodel careers? But it certainly has turned out that way for Naomi Campbell, who continues to take to the runway in her 50s.