Have A Look At These 25 Dumbest Ways These Criminals Got Caught! (3 of 5)



The Note

Turquoise, Rectangle

Well, this is quite a story. A robber goes into a bank to commit robbery without saying a word. He hands over a note to the bank teller with the inscription ‘Be quick. Be Quite. Give the cash or I will shoot’. The bank teller obliged and gave him the money.

But the note was inscribed on a half of a payslip. Upon searching, the police found the other half just outside the building, which had his name and address. You can easily guess what happened thereafter.



The sleeping Burglar

Asleep On The Sofa, Joint, Comfort, Couch, Textile

In New Hampshire, Renaud Jr. Plaisir broke into an apartment to commit theft. He may have been so tired from his life, or he saw the most comfortable sofa in the world, that he decided to sleep in the apartment. The police had to put in a nil effort to catch him and caught the lazy burglar.



The bag

Leather, Brown, Comfort

When you are committing a crime, you must make sure that you don’t leave behind any DNA, so that the police can’t trace you. Zachary Tentoni was able to master this technique of not leaving behind his DNA, but he forgot his bag at the crime scene. The contents of the bag included a letter from his mother and his birth certificate. Well, this was quite a careless thief.



The wrong bag


While we are talking of bags, here’s another incident from Sydney, which will tickle your funny bone. While the thief was attempting to steal he bag, he stole from a professional snake catcher and guess what the bag had- A freaking venomous snake. The thief was so terrified that he surrendered to the police. Well, this is not surprising for Australia!



Not a Wise thief

Comercio De Roupas, Textile

Jacob Wise was attempting to steal some clothes from a shop by removing the security tags. He could have managed to go away with the clothes had he not put the removed tags in his own pocket. Well, he wasn’t as wise as his name suggested.