Pop Princess & Hollywood Hunks: The Many Loves of Selena Gomez (3 of 7)

Katy’s Ex, Selena’s Next?

Once the dust had settled and Jelena was no more, Selena Gomez entered a new chapter in her romantic journey with none other than Orlando Bloom. The unexpected pairing raised eyebrows and left fans collectively saying, “Wait, how?” Known for their individual star power, the duo created quite the buzz as their unlikely connection unfolded. Their brief dalliance might not have lasted, but it certainly added a dash of intrigue (and maybe a sprinkle of drama) to Selena’s romantic adventures.

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Back 4 More: Selena’s 2014 Encore with Justin

The world absolutely went bonkers when Jelena: the Rebirth made its presence felt. Round Two (or twelve, because we honestly lost count at some point?) of the Biebs and Selena’s on-again, off-again tango featured whispers of reconciliation swirled amidst flirty Instagram comments and cozy getaways. Remember that steamy black-and-white photo captioned “Our love is unconditional?” Yeah, that pretty much summed up the vibe. Well, until it wasn’t.