8 Celebrity Icons Who Are Making an Epic Comeback (3 of 5)

Natasha Leon

Natasha Lyonne wasn’t just a child star with a faded smile. She was a phoenix in ruffled sleeves, rising from industry ashes with grit and self-deprecating wit. Remember the quirky teen relegated to quirky roles? She’s grown up in a big way since then. Lyonne’s back, not with a teensploitation reboot, but with several TV series for which she’s won a handful of Emmy Awards. She experienced successes in Orange Is The New Black and Russian Doll, and she’s back as the main protagonist in the murder mystery series Poker Face, currently streaming on Peacock.

Eddie Murphy

Eddie Murphy’s comeback isn’t just a whisper, it’s a full-blown roar echoing through Hollywood! We all know him as the SNL breakout who became a box office king, then seemed to fade from the big screen, but he’s back, and he’s bringing the laughs harder than ever. Up next in 2024 is the 4th film in the Beverly Hills Cop franchise, in which Murphy reprises his iconic Axel Foley. The Netflix film is sure to be brimming with nostalgic charm and classic Murphy wit. But he’s not just clinging to the past. Movies like Dolemite Is My Name and You People showcase his dramatic chops and comedic evolution, proving he’s more than just a funnyman—he’s a cinematic chameleon.