Did You Know These Celebrities are Republican?

Stacey Dash 2018, Smile, Fashion

Stacy Dash

Dash is arguably among the most notorious Republican Hollywood stars. In the past few years, the TV and movie superstar has appeared on various talk shows, discussing her conservative views. In one interview by the People Magazine, Dash said that while her conservative views have to some extent hurt her career, she does not regret coming out and speaking her mind.



Smile, Smile, Eyebrow, Flash photography, Sleeve

Denzel Washington

Surprisingly, this Hollywood star is a staunch Republican. The man has chosen to stick to his principles and remain loyal to the Republican Party in an occupation with several Democrats. While a good number of celebrities have decided not to talk about their conservative opinions, Denzel Washington hardly shies away.



Hilary Duff, Hair, Skin, Lip, Smile, Hairstyle, Eyelash, Lipstick, Dress

Hilary Duff

Since first appearing on her Disney Chanel TV show, Hilary Duff has been a very well-known celebrity. As she grew up, she gained a lot of experience in her business and realized how conservative values could help in making voters successful.