Did You Know These Celebrities are Republican? (2 of 5)

Vince Vaughn True Detective Season 2, Forehead, Cheek, Jaw, Flash photography, Gesture

Vince Vaughn

This Hollywood star recently got himself in some real trouble in Hollywood when he declared his full support for conservative views and the second amendment. He strongly supports allowing guns in all schools as a means of preventing mass shootings. Some people believe that Vaughn’s strong conservative views have significantly hurt his Hollywood career.



Dwayne Johnson, Joint, Arm, Shoulder, Vision care, Muscle, Sunglasses, Goggles, Flash photography, Neck, Sleeve

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

Johnson grew a successful celebrity career as a wrestler. Outside the ring, he has been and still is advocating for American values and stronger education programs. Dwayne Johnson is considered by many as moderate republican He tends to support candidates he can easily relate to.