The 7 Best Movies Where The Hero is Also the Villain (2 of 4)

Alex Clockwork Orange, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Hat, Fedora, Eyelash, Flash photography, Jaw, Neck, Sun hat

A Clockwork Orange

Stanley Kubrick combined with Malcolm McDowell was never not going to be a good movie. Despite all the violent stuff and just in general trying to get the largest wrap sheep imaginable, it is Alex DeLarge’s movie and we keep watching because we’re somehow invested in his gruesome and brutal story. 

Tony Montana, Yellow


Well, with a movie about a mobster I guess every other mobster can be the clear antagonist, but “Scarface” is much different. Despite Tony Montana never really being entirely at peace and constantly having to shoot his way up the ladder, nobody was more responsible for his eventual downfall than he turned out to be himself.