10 Celebrities Who Became More Famous With Age

Although there are plenty of actors who maintain a successful career that stretches for decades, most get their big break when they’re in their 20s or 30s, when they’re still young and at the peak of attractiveness. However, from time to time a celebrity reaches the pinnacle of their career only after they’ve developed some wrinkles and gray hair. Here are 10 celebs whose biggest roles came after they had turned 40.

Willem Dafoe, Forehead, Smile, Sleeve

1. Willem Dafoe

Although Dafoe was first nominated for an Oscar at the age of 31 for his portrayal of a U.S. Army squad leader in the Vietnam War in ”Platoon,” most people know him these days as the Green Goblin in three Spider-Man movies, as well as several others where he plays villains. In 2018 he was nominated for Best Actor for his role as Vincent van Gogh in “At Eternity’s Gate.”