The 8 Most Toxic Television Couples (2 of 5)

Miss Piggy And Kermit, Facial expression, Happy, Gesture

Miss Piggy and Kermit on “The Muppet Show”

There is a whole lot to unpack here. First, these are completely unrelated species of Muppet, which means they should not be attracted to each other anymore than a squirrel would fall in love with a hippopotamus. But beyond that, Miss Piggy was known to commit domestic assault…against a frog that also happens to be her boss, by the way. Their breakup in 2015 was a long time coming, that’s for sure!

Gilmore Girls Rory And Dean, Forehead, Smile, Eye, Flash photography, Dress, Happy, Gesture

Dean and Rory on “Gilmore Girls”

This is a textbook case of a relationship gone horribly wrong. The things that caused Dean to fall in love with Rory — her compassionate personality, her focus on academics, and her strong bond to her mom — turn into the things he hates about her. To make matters worse, he has super jealousy issues when she interacts with other dudes, even when it’s just related to schoolwork. When on their anniversary he tells her he loves her and she doesn’t respond in kind, he flies into a rage. None of this behavior is remotely good, people!