The 8 Most Toxic Television Couples (3 of 5)

Jensen Ackles And Genevieve Padalecki, Flash photography, Gesture

Sam and Ruby on “Supernatural”

Any relationship advice expert will tell you that if your significant other is manipulating you into drinking demon blood for the purposes of liberating Satan from the netherworld, get out as fast as you can! We can only assume Ruby’s intentions were good, but still. The good news, however, is that the actors who portrayed these characters — Genevieve Cortese and Jared Padalecki — fell in love in real life, got married, and have a bunch of (presumably) non-demonic children.

Lucy And Ricky, Microphone, White, Black, Black-and-white, Gesture

Lucy and Ricky on “I Love Lucy”

Let’s be honest about 1950s relationships: husbands routinely beat their wives for serving them mediocre coffee. So it’s not surprising that real-life couple Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz were pretty combative (at least verbal) in the comedy “I Love Lucy.” There are scenes where he would literally threaten to drug her or even kill her! But don’t worry! It’s all for the lulz, folks!