Ten Professions That Are Here To Stay Despite The Technology (2 of 3)


5. Graphic Designers

Graphic Design Professional, Product, Computer keyboard

Imagination and creativity are the gifts only humans have received and these talents are put up to use by graphic designers. While machines can create several thousand copies of a design, the original art is made by humans. Machines cannot think of creative advertising techniques or logos that will appeal to the customers. The human element is necessary and this is why graphic designers are here to stay.



6. Writers

Writing Writer, Wood, Space bar

Writing is the subtle art that is driven by imagination and personal experiences of the authors. It requires a lot of observation and derivation of lessons from these. You need to create an imaginary world that strikes a chord with people and your target audience. This is something that machines simply cannot do. They are only capable of duplicating work and not thinking for themselves, adding writers to the list of people who won’t lose out on their job due to technology.



7. Teaching

Teacher Coming To School, Table, Gesture

There has been a growth in the digital educational platforms that provide visual aids to students. These are also designed by teachers and the interactions that take place in a class are important to a child’s growth. This interaction cannot be provided by any bots who will only provide limited information to the kids.