Ten Professions That Are Here To Stay Despite The Technology (3 of 3)


8. Attorneys

College Law Students

Legal procedures are unique in every country and each case differs from the other. Using a precedent for your current case requires intellect and thinking. It is close to impossible to develop software that can understand the requirements of a case and find a solution based on the situation at hand. Lawyers and attorneys require decision-making skills and this makes it impossible to be automated.



9. Marketing

Technology In Business, Computer, Laptop, Personal computer, Hand, Netbook, Coat, Microphone, Gesture

Marketing includes understanding the four Ps of the marketing mix, namely, product, place, price, and promotion. It required strategies to make the target audience notice the company’s product. They need to come up with a set of logical solutions to make the product a success. This job cannot be performed by machines as they cannot change the solutions according to the requirements.



10. Human Resources

Human Resource, Font

Like other professions mentioned above, the profession of HR requires a lot of interaction with people which bots and machines are incapable of performing. HR is responsible for resolving conflicts, and ensuring employees are satisfied and maintaining basic employee standards. A job such as this cannot be mechanized because it varies according to the requirements of the people they have to interact with.