10 Unusual But Practical Gadgets That You Must Invest In (2 of 3)

Toilet Night Light

If you are a sleep-walker and use the washroom at night, you never have to worry about stumbling on anything inside the washroom or having to search for the switch to turn on the lights again! This unique gadget emits light of 16 different color choices as shown in the picture through a motion sensor system that detects body heat as soon as you step into the washroom. It is extremely useful to prevent washroom accidents and also contains 5 different brightness levels which can be used according to your convenience. The system also shuts itself when you are away from its vicinity. Now you never have to think twice about washroom difficulties at night!



UV Toothbrush Sanitizer

Due to the ongoing pandemic, we all know how important it is to sanitize ourselves as well as our belongings. Have you ever thought about your toothbrush needing sanitization? The millions of germs present in our toothbrushes can easily infect us because of direct contact with our mouths while brushing our teeth daily. You can easily protect your toothbrush and stay safe by using this UV toothbrush sanitizer that uses UV radiation to kill 99.9% of the germs in just a few minutes. All you have to do is place your toothbrush in the case provided and it will do the job for you!



Digital Notebook

If you are a blogger and like keeping journals or if you are a student who loves taking notes or if you are a planner and cannot do without those to-do lists, you never have to be scared of running out of paper anymore with this innovative device! This gadget combines writing in the paper as well as digitally. You can easily write in the notebook using special ink and send these handwritten notes from the digital notebook to an app that transfers these notes to various mediums like Dropbox and Google Drive. Once you have filled the notebook, you can reuse it by exposing the ink to high temperatures like that of a microwave which will clear the ink completely. Thus, this is the perfect solution to writing, storing, and reusing – all at once!