Cut Down Your Expenses By Saving On Your Electricity Bill With The Help Of These 12 Foolproof Ways (4 of 4)

Keep replacing your filters

Furnace Filters, Wood

Your home’s furnace is probably the heart of your house on windy, chilly days of the year. To ensure proper regulation of the temperature of the air inside, you need to monitor your furnace. Keep changing its filters every month to make sure it works efficiently.

A dirt clogged filter will result in your furnace working increasingly hard to pump the air throughout the house. Not only that, but it can also result in clogged systems, overheating, and pricey repairs. Spending your energy a bit to change the filters once a while will not only save you a hefty repair-related cost but also prevent figures stating your energy consumption from shooting higher!

Wash your filters (if they are washable) every few weeks, and try changing them once every one or three months to corroborate the passage of cleaner, healthier air.



Choose your color wisely!

Cool Roofs, Window, Building, Wood

You must choose the appropriate color to paint your roof with. If you have a two or three-storeyed house and happen to live on the ground floor, you won’t quite feel the need to regulate the temperature of the air inside as the floors above shall prevent too much heat or chills from seeping in. But if not, chances are you’ll find yourself forced to turn on the air conditioner every time the scorching heat gets to you. It’s important to paint your roof with the right color to help reflect the sunlight!

Every object or medium absorbs light, but you’ll notice that you particularly feel warmer the days you decide to wear something black and hit the road. Black is a natural absorbent of heat and henceforth, tends to take in most of it. Save some extra cash and get your roof painted white or other such lighter colors. Light colors reflect sunlight. Not only will they keep your house comparatively cooler on warmer days, but they also save you a few dollars monthly!



Install an app

Woman Reading On Phone, Mobile phone, Communication Device, Telephony, Portable communications device, Gesture

Rather than catching yourself staring at staggering figures printed on your electricity bill at the end of every month, how about installing an app on your phone instead to evaluate the amount of electricity your appliances are consuming and the approximate price that you need to pay?

Prevention is better than cure, that’s how the saying goes. Try to install a green app such as Green Outlet or Energy Cost Calculator to monitor your daily consumption. They attempt to measure home energy usage without the hassle of all the separate components that a home monitoring system would require instead.

They at times try to tap into the local data that is read by your smart meter or require you to measure the energy consumptions of individual appliances and keep a record. Whatever the case may be, a bit of effort from your side can help you save money in the long run.

Maybe make a new year resolution next time to save some cash with the help of such handy tricks. Every time you feel like ordering out, whip something easy and delicious in your kitchen itself. Or maybe opt for the subway instead of an Uber next time you head home from work. The opportunities to make and save money are in abundance. Just try putting in a bit of extra effort.

Trust us, you’ll thank yourself at the end of the month (or year, if you’re determined enough) when you see the drastic changes reflected in your bank account balance.

Every dollar you save goes a long way. After all, a penny saved is a penny earned!