Save these 14 everyday gadgets from hackers! (3 of 3)



11. Television

Memes 5 De Mayo, Joint, Shoulder, Comfort, Gesture

TVs connected to your internet can be easily hacked by cyber-security threats. As per data dumps by WikiLeaks, the CIA can easily access what’s happening in your living room from your TVs! Your family’s private activities may be watched over through your television screen!



12. Security X-Ray Machines

Laptop X Ray Airport, Circuit component, Rectangle

X-Ray machine hacking is not only confined to medical appliances, but also the security X-Ray machines! Criminals and terrorists can slip the security procedure by hacking the X-ray machine and carry their weapons through them with ease!



13. Mobile Phones

Gaomei Wetlands, Telephony, Mobile device, Communication Device, Mobile phone, Telephone, Gesture

This one is a no-brainer! After your personal computers, your mobile phone is the next one most susceptible to hacking. Your mobile phone has your credit card details, emails and e-wallets, which make them a treasure for hackers. Hackers can steal your information by building apps, which record your private information and conversations!



14. ‘Smart Cars’

Smart Vision Eq Fortwo, Tire, Wheel, Vehicle, Car, Hood, Automotive tire, Automotive design, Motor vehicle, Automotive lighting

Self-driving smart cars are the future and are also the favorite targets of hackers. Cybercriminals can take control of your vehicles and cause accidents over highways and roads. They can also track your movements and the places you go to. Thus, violating your privacy. Car companies must partner up with other software ventures to prevent hacking of smart cars.