8 Zodiac Signs Who Fear Love (3 of 5)

Illustration, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Shoulder, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Lipstick, Jaw, Neck


As passionate individuals, Libras dive deeply into their relationships. They’re determined, and if you cross them, it’s likely you’ll be removed from their life for good. They may offer a second chance for a minor mistake, but don’t expect forgiveness for any major wrongdoing.

Beauty, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Eyelash, Mouth, Lipstick, Neck, Jaw


The greatest issue for Virgos is their lack of self-confidence. They’re often hesitant to accept compliments and prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. In a Virgo’s mind, opening up makes them vulnerable to getting hurt, which is not something they want.