3 Warning Signs You Might Be Gaslighting Yourself (2 of 3)

Person Dealing With Trauma, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Ear, Neck, Sleeve, Comfort, Gesture

1. You think everything is your fault

Do you ever find yourself making a mistake and feeling like you are a complete failure as a result? In other words, you regard this as a core element of your character and you use this to tell yourself, “I deserve nothing but pain and misery.” On the other hand, when you see others make that exact same mistake, you find ways to justify it as no big deal because very often it isn’t. In essence, you hold yourself to a completely different standard compared to others. Whenever these negative thoughts happen after you do make a mistake, remind yourself that when other people do that you give them the benefit of the doubt, and you should extend that same courtesy towards yourself. 

Sad Man On Couch, Joint, Shoulder, Arm, Leg, Comfort, Flash photography, Neck, Sleeve

2. You have a deep distrust in yourself

You have thoughts and opinions about different matters, but come to the conclusion that none of them are valid. On the other hand, you convince yourself that those around you know everything much better than you. This creates a situation in which you never make any decisions for yourself and over rely on others to make them for you whether or not it is in your best interest.