10 Effective Strategies When You Experience Jealousy In Your Relationship (2 of 6)

Conversation, Clothing, Jeans, Tableware, Table, Window, Drinkware, Food, Gesture

2. Realize that jealousy and insecurity go hand in hand

Jealousy is often a response to feeling threatened by something or somebody. Although it is something we all experience to some degree when we allow jealousy to consume us, it can create destruction. So next time you catch yourself feeling jealous, take a moment to ask yourself what you’re afraid of and if your responses are rational. Confront your jealousies head-on. 

Husband Shaming Wife, Hand, Sleeve, Gesture, Eyelash

3. Work on Managing Your Emotions

There’s no need to deny your feelings of jealousy. By all means, acknowledge that it is uncomfortable and then seek support from others, especially your partner, rather than lash out and blame them for how you feel. Also, remember that you are responsible for managing your emotions; you can’t expect others to do it for you, nor should you want them to!