Why We Fall in Love: A Scientific Look at This Phenomena

Love: that inexplicable force that has baffled scientists, poets, and desperate romantics for centuries. It’s a mysterious phenomenon that makes our hearts flutter, our minds go haywire, and our logic jumps out the window like a skydiving goldfish. But why, oh why, do we fall head over heels for someone? Is it the cosmic alignment of stars whispering sweet nothings into our ears? Or perhaps it’s just our brain malfunctioning, trying to convince us that binge-watching romantic comedies and devouring tubs of ice cream is a perfectly reasonable life strategy.

Lucky for you, we have all of the answers to these mysteries. According to science, there are three distinct phases of falling in love. Let’s briefly summarize them:

Stage 1: Lust. This phase involves a rise in testosterone levels in men and estrogen levels in women. It’s something that is consistent amongst all mammals.

Stage 2: Attraction. You feel like you’re high on something. You feel euphoric thanks to the release of dopamine, adrenaline, and norepinephrine, producing the emotions that make you fall in love.

Stage 3: Attachment. At this phase, dopamine and norepinephrine are replaced with oxytocin and instead of merely wanting to love your guy/girl up and down, you feel a close bond and even start thinking about your long-term future together.

Ah, but there’s more! There are several other reasons why you fall head over heels over your significant other. Let’s discuss four of them.

Their scent mesmerizes you

Fun fact: We have our own unique, secret signature scent! Move over, perfumes and colognes, because pheromones are here to steal the show. These sneaky little chemicals, like undercover agents, hide in our sweat and bodily fluids, playing a vital role in our unconscious attraction to others. It turns out that these pheromones are not just some random olfactory fluke but can actually be linked to the future well-being of our potential offspring. In a fascinating study, researchers asked female participants to sniff and rate the aromas emanating from a collection of T-shirts worn by different men. And guess what? The ladies had a nose for good genes! They showed a preference for the scents of men who had disease-resistant genetic profiles that complemented their own. It seems like we have an innate radar for partners who can help us produce robust, resilient babies who can conquer any pesky ailments that come their way. Talk about a nose for love!