Why Saying Sorry In A Relationship Is So Important (2 of 3)

Man Hugging Woman, Face, Shoulder, Smile, Flash photography, Neck, Sleeve, Happy, Comfort, Gesture

Why is it so important to say you are sorry in a relationship?

The importance of saying sorry in your relationship is really about how it will positively affect your partner. And the key to giving a good apology is to actually mean it.

The words themselves do sound nice, but most people can tell when someone is saying something they do not mean. Your partner will definitely not care too much for your apology if you are saying it just to appease them. First, you must understand what you actually did wrong so you can truly see things from their side of the story. Only then, once you can empathize with their feelings, can you give a real apology. Once you feel their pain and emotions, you can be sincere in giving a real apology.

Apologetic Look Meaning, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Eyelash, Dress, Ear, Flash photography, Jaw

Why is it difficult to say sorry to your significant other?

Even though it is beneficial to say you’re sorry to your partner, that does not mean it will always be easy.

Sometimes you may not want to say it because you are worried that your partner will not accept it. You may feel like they will not believe you are sincere. The thing to remember here is that their reaction to you is not in your control. All you can do is give your apology from the heart and hope that some good will come from it.

You may even feel bad about your actions, which can make you apprehensive when giving an apology. It is always a risk, as your actions may leave the relationship beyond repair. But saying you are sorry can help you get rid of that guilt and shame about the behavior you showed to your partner.