When You Find a Weirdo, Stick With Them

Not everybody fits the mold, and this often becomes very clear when you’re in a relationship. You might be dating a guy or girl who bangs to the beat of a different drummer. Their minds might be completely scattered. They are unpredictable, impulsive, and never boring.

If any of this describes your significant other, consider yourself lucky! In a world where everybody feels pressure to conform and “fit in,” you are fortunate to have found somebody who is comfortable with who they are and gives precisely zero f***s about what others think!

They feel free and uninhibited, exhibit a sense of childlike wonder, and never allow others to dictate their lives. If you’re in a relationship with someone like this, hold on to them! They might be weirdos, but they are your weirdos.

How do you know when you’ve found the strange bird of your dreams? When you encounter them for the first time, they will be like nobody you’ve ever come across before. Their unique personality will throw you for a loop, but you will find them irresistible. They will throw you a curveball that you weren’t expecting. At first, this might annoy the hell out of you because you just aren’t used to it. But over time, you will not only learn to accept his/her behavior, but you will also realize you can’t live without it!

Their fresh perspectives will make you think of the world in ways that had never previously occurred to you. You will begin to question everything. The experience of dating someone who plays by their own rules will change your life forever. Here are eight reasons why you should feel fortunate to be dating an eccentric.

When You Find a Weirdo, Stick With Them

Conflicts are bound to get wild, but you’ll learn to adjust.

It goes without saying that as two humans with individual personalities and interests, there are times when you will clash, as you would in any relationship. But far from nagging about the same things every time, you’ll find yourselves disagreeing about something new and different. But ultimately, it will allow you to grow as a person.