8 Signs You’re In a Karmic Relationship

Think you and your partner will be together forever? It would be nice to imagine this, but there are no guarantees. In fact, you might be in what is described as a “karmic relationship” with your significant other and not even realize it. These types of relationships are labeled as such because while they might begin with feelings of intensity and intoxication, they ultimately do not last because the couple are blinded to the fact that they are fundamentally different people. But at least there is a silver lining: once the inevitable breakup does happen, the couple learn from the experience and seek out people who are more compatible. Here are 8 signs that you are in a karmic relationship. 

Will You Be My Valentine Couple, Water, Sky, People in nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

There is an instant connection

When a karmic relationship starts, it doesn’t feel much different from other types of relationships. You might feel immediate chemistry, a strong physical attraction, and other elements that draw you together. Could you have met in a past life? We aren’t going down that rabbit hole. But one thing is clear: your feelings are intense and you really feel like you’ve got a lot in common.