8 Signs Your Partner is Unsupportive (3 of 5)

Mujer Egoísta, Skin, Lip, Shoulder, Facial expression, Flash photography, Sleeve, Gesture

They Make Everything About Them

Do you feel like conversations with your significant other are just waiting for them to hear something that allows them to steer the conversation to their life and interests? If that’s the case, they’re probably not talking to you because they care about what you have to say, but more because they want you to listen to the story they have to tell. That’s fine if it happens sometimes, but it can be very toxic if it’s constant behaviour.

Kata Kata Sedih Menyentuh Hati Wanita, Comfort, Leg, Wood, Textile

They Disappear When Times Get Tough

Life gets annoying sometimes, and those are the moments when you really want to have your partner with you. If they keep on disappearing or leaving whenever stuff gets a little too intense, what’s the use in even having a partner in the first place? Being supportive means you’re literally there to give support.