8 Signs Your Partner is Unsupportive

There’s a few things in life that you wouldn’t wish upon your worst enemy. Whether it’s being stuck in a room full of LEGO bricks barefooted or having a partner that’s unsupportive, some things are just too awful to make people go through.

Since spotting a room full of LEGO bricks when you’re not wearing anything on your feet should be easy enough to spot on your own, here’s a few signs that can help you figure out if you’re stuck with an unsupportive partner and may be going straight down a path of disappointment and agony.

Trastorno Orgásmico Femenino, Joint, Skin, Lip, Chin, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Mouth, Flash photography, Neck, Happy

They Minimize Your Feelings

I know, this is a very wild concept, but you actually have the right to have feelings in a relationship. The least a partner can do is try to understand why you’re feeling this way and if you’re lucky they might even think of how they can prevent this in the future. A partner that tells you to not make a big deal out of everything is probably not good for you in the long run.