The Trick To Ignoring a Guy to Get His Attention

Admit it girls, you all do it. You can blame men for it all you want but when push comes to show you love playing mind games and ignoring a guy to increase your chances of getting his attention. And while we’re being honest, it really is something that works on a certain type of guy. Whether that’s the type of guy you want to commit to is a different story altogether, but since you’re already reading this, I think we both know the answer.

Anyway, without further ado, here’s a few pointers on how to ignore the right way so you actually increase how much he wants to spend time with you and not push him further away.

ရာသီ သွေး နည်း ခြင်း, Nose, Skin, Lip, Hand, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Neck, Flash photography, Ear

Is He Busy or Not Available

Here’s where your first trick to ignoring someone comes into play: wait a while before trying to figure out what is going on in his life. Maybe he’s just super swamped and can’t make time for you right now. That doesn’t have to be a major issue, so don’t turn it into one. Whether you’re sticking by a one-day or three-day rule, it doesn’t really matter, but just be reasonable. If someone’s busy, that probably isn’t going to change overnight. If it does, well, they really aren’t all that busy. You can’t be busy for 24 hours. Unless it’s a pattern where someone is busy every Friday because they don’t do anything at work for the rest of the week, but that’s not something that should be impacting your relationship or communication.

Stock Photography, Hand, Hairstyle, Sleeve, Gesture, Flash photography

Communication Patterns

If you have a pattern of frequent and fun communication, please don’t do the whole “playing hard to get” thing because a guy doesn’t reply for a few hours. Give him space. Pretend he doesn’t exist for as long as it takes for him to reach out to you. If your communication had always been good up to this point, he absolutely will reach out to you. And if he doesn’t, do you really want to be spending time on that? The one thing you really can’t miss when trying to build or maintain a relationship with someone is some level of communication, so if that’s not happening, maybe the relationship isn’t either.

Girl, Joint, Shoulder, Eye, Comfort, Fashion, Smile, Happy, Gesture, Couch

Commitment Levels

How committed are you to this? If you’re just in the early stages of dating, for the love of God, back off. Even people in long-term relationships deserve to have a few days of not having to explain themselves every once in a while, so definitely don’t expect someone that has literally no official commitment to you to make time to explain their actions. It might happen, but it probably won’t and you shouldn’t need it to. Also important here is making sure that your commitment levels are on par. Maybe you think you’re already almost engaged and he’s still in the “early dating” phase. And as bad as that may sound, it’s usually not a big deal until you decide to not talk about it and turn it into one.

Play Video Games, Hand, Input device, Joystick, Game controller, Peripheral

Give Him Space

Whether things are going good or they’re at their very best – respect the privacy and space of your partner. When it all comes down to it, that’s what ignoring really is. And if you can do it to achieve your own nefarious goals and agendas, maybe it’s not such a bad idea to incorporate it into your life so it can help you find a better balance between spending a lot of time with your partner and leaving them to their own devices. Trust me, it’s not because a guy isn’t spending time with you that he doesn’t want to spend time with you. Sometimes you just want to do other stuff, and that’s fine.