20 Words And Phrases You Should Avoid Saying To Your Partner At All Costs (5 of 5)



What did I do now?

Spouse Fight, Hair, Shoulder, Comfort, Neck, Human body, Flash photography, Textile, Sleeve, Thigh

There cannot be anything more dismissive than asking your partner ‘what did I do now?’, according to Patterson. It tells your partner that you always think they are the ones who are bad. And trust me, no one likes to think that they are the ones who are constantly complaining or nagging, which is precisely why saying such things can completely shut down the communications. According to Patterson, people do this often to avoid conflict, but what they don’t realize is that issues keep piling up, and ends up damaging the relationship in a big way.



You don’t turn me on anymore

Middle Aged Couple Fighting, Joint, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Comfort, Flash photography, Gesture

If you don’t possibly want your relationship to end, this is another thing you shouldn’t say to your partner. According to counselor Wendi Dumbroff, even though you might apologize for saying such things, later on, your partner would tend to believe what you actually said was true, which can be damaging for a relationship. Further, it makes your partner feel that you don’t care about their feelings, and completely breaks the emotional safety a person is supposed to feel in a relationship.



You’re completely wrong to be angry

Unhappy Relationships, Shoulder, Comfort, Flash photography, Neck, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture

You shouldn’t ever tell your partner that they are wrong to be angry at you. Or in fact, you shouldn’t ever tell them how they should feel at any given time. We should understand that feelings aren’t something that you can classify as right or wrong, they are what they are – feelings. By saying things like ‘you are wrong to be angry’, you are being dismissive of their feelings, which can damage the relationship beyond repair.



I really don’t care

Party Talk, Arm, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

In the middle of a heated argument, uttering words like ‘I don’t care’ triggers a sense of abandonment in your partner and make them feel vulnerable and worthless, according to relationship expert Sunny Rodgers. A loving relationship is one that ensures you care about your partner no matter what the situation is. So, saying things like ‘I don’t care’ can do irreparable damage to your relationship.