Here Is The Answer To What Went Wrong With Your Previous Relationship (3 of 5)



Carry-over of Past Trauma

Toxic Couple, Clothing, Hair, Shoulder, Flash photography, Comfort, Bookcase, Gesture

There is a big difference between learning from your past mistakes and carrying-over your past experiences. It is unfortunate that many times people fail to make a distinction between the two. If your previous partner had been sleeping with your BFF behind your back or lying to you throughout, it doesn’t mean that your current one must be doing the same. Every person is different. Learn to let go of your suspicions else your love and relationship will suffer.



Mental Health

Husband And Wife Arguing, Flash photography, Sleeve, Happy, Gesture

Your love life is sure to be impacted if you suffer from any kind of mental illness. For a relationship to stay strong, mental health is much more needed than physical fitness. Your brain has a bearing on your actions, reactions, temperament, and self-control. The biggest problem is that many people don’t even realize they have a mental health issue and require medical aid.



Different Point in Life’s Blueprint

Arguing Husband And Wife, Table, Furniture, Gesture

It could happen that one partner might have become financially stable and all set to tie the knot, while the other one might still have many aspirations to achieve. This can stagnate the relationship and draw the two people apart. You both have to talk and work it out if ending up being committed to each other is what you want at the end of the day.



Substance Abuse

Smoking Don, Nose, Lip, Hand, Eyebrow, Mouth, Eyelash, Human, Jaw, Neck, Beard

Bad habits of any sort are a major turn off. Hence, it’s advisable that you nib them in the bud. Your control over your mind and your partner’s addiction to you are directly related. Your substance abuse might be causing harm not just to you, but also to your surroundings and those around you. You can never grab the eyeballs of your crush by chain-smoking or collapsing after being heavily drunk.



Empty Promises

Meal, Clothing, Table, Tableware, Food, Sharing, Shelf

Failing to show up on a dinner date is nothing to freak out over. But it is a bad sign if you do it more often than it can be understandable. And, if possible let them know beforehand that you might be late or might not be able to make it. You have to respect and value their time.