Some Important Possible Reasons Why Your Relationship Is Failing (3 of 8)



When You Communicate, You Use Body Language Mostly

Lip, Nose, Cheek, Lip, Mouth, Eyelash, Flash photography, Jaw, Beard, Neck, Ear

Communication is the key, but how we communicate in relationships is the key to a healthy one. While at first in relationships we often express ourselves, which is good. The problem stems as time goes on. Communication becomes less and less proper and there is an expectation that our body language will convey what we mean.

The reality is we’re not mind readers. We can easily miss the meaning behind why someone is sighing or rolling their eyes or when there is silence.

And even if we do communicate, it’s important to be open to compromises too. Whether it’s something trivial like what to eat to something serious, it’s important we compromise. Relationships are constant works in process and the key to them lasting is making compromises.

Part of those compromises sometimes means taking the blame for problems. Those who refuse to take fault put strains because it makes the other feel inferior or the victim of every problem.

Another aspect is how we approach arguments and conflict as well. While some jump in head-first, others will hesitate. Some people will go as far as to deny the existence of their relationship issues.

Part of why people do this is because people are afraid to be alone. They’d rather settle with being in a relationship over having to deal with problems. The problem with that is that the problems will come back eventually.

Other considerations in how you communicate with each other are:

      • During tougher times, how one another composes oneself is key. Your relationship could be crumbling if whenever you fight, you or your partner starts crying in a fit of rage, while the other is calm and composed.
      • You’re putting too much anger into the relationship. Remember that arguing isn’t a sign of a bad relationship. In fact, those we love are usually the people we take our anger out on. That being said, too much anger can push people away from you.
      • You don’t forgive or forget. Holding resentment is not good for you to begin with. But what’s worse is bringing up past faults during new arguments.