25 Relationship Pieces Of Advice Which You Can Safely Turn A Deaf Ear To (2 of 5)



“Time can heal any wound”

Mental Therapist, Comfort, Table, Gesture

Not all wounds can be healed by time. If that were the case, then every older couple you come across must be happy and contented with their lives. But it isn’t so. Right? Your partner might commit an unforgivable mistake. In such a circumstance, it is fine for you to break up and get on with your life.



“Children will bring you two closer”

Parent Divorcer, Joint, Arm, Shoulder, Muscle, Comfort, Standing, Gesture

If you are in a troubled relationship, the worst you could do is bringing children into your life. Raising children is no cakewalk. So, until you both are at accord and undeniably ready, do not even give conceiving a thought. It will make things even worse.



“Age is nothing but a number”

50 Year Old Man And 18 Year Old, Joint, Hairstyle, Daytime, Shoulder, Vision care, White, Eyewear, Sunglasses, Standing, Waist

The people of this day and age are more accepting than ever before. Hence, we aren’t surprised when we see couples with significant age differences giving us some major relationship goals. It isn’t really a big deal if you want to date someone older than you because they seem more mature and understanding. But be ready to pay the price, as it won’t be as easy it could have been had they been your age.



“The guy has to the one paying every bill”

Restaurant Management, Tableware

But why? Why does it have to be the guy who pays bills? Why can’t you? You both work, you both make money. Gone are the days when men used to be the breadwinners and woman’s responsibilities remained confined to doing household chores. Girls, please if you don’t want to let this one go, you have to stop being so stingy and start shelling out some of your own earnings.



“The one earning more should pay each time”

Women Paying The Bill, Hand, Smile, Table, Gesture

No matter how much money one makes, (barring few exceptions) we never feel it’s so much that we can recklessly and lavishly go about spending it. Everyone loves their hard-earned money and desires to save it. So, even if you are the lesser earning one, always offer to split the bill or to pay once in a while.