Some Simple Everyday Things That Are Actually Quite Rude (5 of 8)



Phone Etiquette

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Because people rarely use the phone for calling these days, people’s etiquette over the phone is all but gone. There are only a handful of circumstances where putting someone on speaker phone is appropriate:

  • Either they’re a family member and you’re around other family.
  • Or the person is cool with being put on speaker after you say “I’m putting you on speaker if that’s okay?”

Texting and driving is bad, but walking while texting is also really bad too. Similar to both scenarios, when you’re texting, your attention is pulled away from everything else.

What’s also worth noting is that if you do get a text, make sure you’re not blocking anyone. It’s rude to be standing in the middle of a walkway or blocking an entrance.

A few other things that are rude to do is taking calls in public bathrooms and also being on the phone when buying something.

For public bathrooms it’s disrespectful, but also nasty. If that’s not enough you’re also occupying a stall that could be used for more productive methods than a place for you to take a call. There are more private places to consider.

As mentioned, it’s also rude to be on your phone when you are buying something. A lot of that has to do with eye contact. I’m not saying that you should be looking at the barista or clerk the entire time, but at least lift your head up and make eye contact with them.

Sure, you may not be in a chatty mood and the interaction is brief, but the eye contact makes people feel like they’re actually people. If you don’t even acknowledge them it can make people feel empty.