13 Ways To Get Motivated After Post-Holiday Blues (3 of 3)



Don’t Forget About Your Breaks

Relax Landscape, Water, Cloud, Sky, Gesture, Beach

If you’re working a standard 9-to-5 job you’ve got standard breaks, but that’s not always the case for the entrepreneurial types.

Whatever the case is, make sure you are taking breaks regularly and you’re not pushing yourself too hard. Trying to pull off 10 hour work days is brutal. It’s something people should avoid in general, but it’s also not smart to do after taking a long break.

Don’t feel ashamed to take a few minutes out of your work day to take a break. Call up a friend or loved one, get up and stretch, or go for a little walk.



Laugh More

Teenager Smiling, Nose, Smile, Cheek, Skin, Lip, Eyebrow, Eye, Eyelash, Mouth, Tooth

There is humour in almost all aspects of your life when you look at it. Laughing can boost productivity because it releases chemicals that make us more relaxed and upbeat. Much like positivity, seeing things in a positive light can boost our productivity.



Focus On What Is In Your Control

Arriver En Avance, Watch, Hand, Arm, Sleeve, Finger, Gesture

You can’t control traffic, weather, economy, and more. Many people harp on these problems and it can drag them down a lot. Instead of doing that, spend time on what you can control. These are your actions and reactions. By controlling these, you can lower your stress and even feel empowered.



Place Things In Perspective

Can I Do To Have Stop Having Feelings For Someone, Flash photography, Sleeve

Those last two tips lead into this suggestion of putting things into perspective. As I’ve echoed a bit in this piece, when you are looking at the negatives all the time, your motivation is going to get drained faster.

Instead, stop yourself and begin looking at things from a different angle – ideally in a positive way.

If you dread the idea of going back to work, look at how your work fits into the larger picture of your life.



Don’t Deny Your Feelings

Love New Year Shayari, Plant, Petal

The last thing to remind yourself is that the feelings you are experiencing are normal. The days leading up to New Year’s Eve and the first few weeks after that are the things people go through all the time.

Christmas and New Year are gone and now people have to go back to their everyday self. While you can work on changing that as I mentioned above, the fact still remains that this is something most people go through.

Don’t deny the feelings you have. The sooner you do that, the more you’ll find ways to overcome them quickly and get motivated.