The Urban Dating Lingo Guide Everyone Should Know About (4 of 4)




Woman Going Through Boyfriend's Phone, Joint, Skin, Head, Lip, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Eye, Eyelash, Mouth, Leg

Imagine that you have broken up or have been ghosted, and are now living your life happily. Now suddenly, out of the blue, you receive a text from them as if nothing happened. It’s like they vanished, but are now back, trying to become a part of your life. Well, it’s quite a complex situation and there is absolutely no need for you to entertain them.




Traição, People in nature, Green, Botany, Tree, Happy, Gesture, Wood

Well, this is kinda like curving, but the difference is that the person you’re interested in is already in a relationship, and yet, they keep the seat warm for you. They send you lovely or flirty texts, but you aren’t sure if they are interested in you or not. It’s always better to stay away from another sister’s mister.




Drug Social Media Addiction, Hand, Daytime, Table, Tableware, Gesture

Just like in cushioning you don’t know whether the other person is interested in you or not, breadcrumbing is also the same case, except the difference is that they have just ghosted you, but now they’re back. You can’t really know whether they want to date you because they keep ghosting you, and get in touch with you every once in a while. Well, just go away from a breadcrumber.




Do Poly Relationships Work, Shoulder, Facial expression, People in nature, Happy, Standing, Flash photography, Gesture, Sunlight

A much less cruel act than breadcrumbing is benching. In benching, the ‘victim’ knows that you are pursuing other options as well, but they are just keeping a bench empty for you, kind of treating you like an option in case they don’t hit their target.




Stealthing Victims, Hair, Joint, Hand, Arm, Shoulder, Comfort, Human body, Neck, Window

Now, this is just short of falling into a category of an offense. Stealthing is when your partner takes off the condom during sex without even telling you. This can lead to life-changing consequences and emotionally traumatizing experience.