The Urban Dating Lingo Guide Everyone Should Know About (2 of 4)




Reddit Is Cheating Common, Eyelash, Flash photography, Neck, Happy, Gesture

Now that brings us to another term – polyamorous. The term ‘poly’ means many, and you can guess it, being polyamorous means being sexually active with more than one partner. It isn’t exactly cheating because you need to let all your partners know that you are polyamorous, otherwise, it is definitely cheating.




Shoulder, Hair, Joint, Arm, Shoulder, Neck, Flash photography, Eyelash

Well, micro-cheating isn’t exactly cheating, but nonetheless, these gestures hurt your partner. The test of whether you have micro-cheated or not is whether you hid that small act from your partner or not. If you did, well, that’s micro-cheating because you knew that it would hurt them.




Couple Argue, Building, Window, Table, Eyewear

Being pansexual means that they are open to and are attracted to all the genders. You shouldn’t confuse it with being bisexual, since it only refers to two genders – male and female. Pansexual is when you are willing to go beyond male and female partners.




Couples Arguing, Joint, Shoulder, Muscle, Mouth, Comfort, Flash photography, Gesture, Happy

Well, you probably know the meaning of catfishing, wherein one pretends to be someone else in order to land a date with their crush. However, the new term kittenfishing is a mild form of catfishing, wherein you aren’t completely lying about yourself, but you aren’t being completely honest either. You may put up old pictures of yourself, or photoshop them or use some filter, and that’s when you are kittenfishing.




Worry About Someone, Clothing, Jeans, Joint, Trousers, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Facial expression, Happy, Flash photography, People in nature

Now, curving is not a straight rejection, but kind of like rejection for the time being, while still being open to date in the future. It is kind of like keeping an option for the future, but not trying it out right now. Well, one should never be an option for someone.