50 Lies Kids And Teens Like To Come Up With (4 of 8)



Parents Permission & Around The Family

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These are some lies that most of us are familiar with. We’ve dropped some of these around family members whether it’s to them or concerning their permission.

Starting off is the classic “Dad said I could” line is a golden one and a bare-faced lie. Chances are dad wasn’t paying attention at all and agreed to whatever they said just for them to go away. Another iteration of that lie is “My friend’s parents always let them.”

Other lies are designed to insure confidence and there are all kinds for that. One to highlight is “The party is chaperoned.” When kids hit their teenage years they may go to parties you might not approve of. This lie comes up to suggest that there will be adults present at the party. That’s a lie though, as chances are likely it’s just one of their friends.

Other examples are:

  • “I didn’t block you on [insert social media platform.] That must be a mistake.” If you can no longer see your kids social media account chances are they’ve blocked you.
  • “I’ve never tasted beer.” Insert any other alcoholic beverage you’d like there, but chances are that’s a lie. Kids have certainly experienced alcohol at some point. Unless you know your child is a saint of sorts, they’ve probably had some alcohol.
  • “I’ll wear that sweater you bought me.” As much as we love to believe that, chances are that sweater is sitting in the closet collecting dust.
  • “I took the chicken out when you told me.” Another good line and a total lie if the end result shows the food isn’t done yet. Chances are they were focused on other priorities.
  • “I’ll be home before curfew.” Unless you know your kid is responsible, they’re probably going to be late.
  • “He/She isn’t my boyfriend/girlfriend, he/she is just a friend.” It doesn’t take long for teens to start dating, but sometimes they like to keep things under wraps and lie about it. This lie can be especially prominent if you’re the type of parent who is overprotective.

Some other deceptive liners pertain to a widespread of things.

Pertaining to security you got, “I didn’t lock the door. Maybe you weren’t pulling hard enough.” Unless your door is ancient, pulling it effortlessly should be more than enough.

About specific things they did not do, “I’d never pour bacon grease down the drain.” Unless you’ve got a can to store the grease, there’s good odds that it’s going down the drain. Guaranteed.

Concerning piercings you might hear “It’s a clip-on.” A good line to drop after that is “So it’s okay if I tug on it?”

And others are concerning you and your partner. If you’re a family who loves family vacations you might hear, “I love the family vacations.” For this, look at their facial expression, since it could certainly be the truth. But if they look mad or generally unhappy during the whole thing, it’s probably a lie.

The last one is “You guys don’t embarrass me.” A parent’s responsibility is always to embarrass their kids in some way. It could be clothes, photos or the fact that will say “I love you” when dropping the kids off at school.