17 Things Couples Learned Before Divorcing (3 of 4)



Being Impartial Or Not Clear Is Not Good

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Couples sometimes need breaks from one another and mutually agree to live separate for some time. Leading up to those events, it’s worth considering your view of the relationship at that point.

Why is that?

Well, if you’re not clear about your reasoning behind this, it sometimes leaves room for people to get back together. And sometimes that’s not the best for a relationship, especially if you are thinking about going separate ways.

Instead, make your intentions clear about separating and getting back together. Until then, keep your distance until you know both of you are willing to make this work again.



Listen To Your Gut More

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Your gut feelings are very powerful and are worth listening to, along with what your partner is saying. When you don’t focus on your own feelings, many couples are prone to not seeing the signs that they are incompatible with whom they married.

Make a point of reading the relationship more before jumping into marriage. Often, we are wrapped up in the emotions to notice problems.



Take Breaks From Social Media More

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We love spending time on social media, but sometimes it can be a massive sink and can put strains on relationships. Whether you are the type to post a bunch of couple selfies or not, we can turn to social media for our own validation, rather than turning to our partner for support.



If Divorce Is Inevitable, You Can Always End It Civilly

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A lot of people get wrapped up in the emotions and think divorces are ugly, messy and brutal. It’s easy to get into that negative mindset and start burning down bridges without really considering other options.

What’s ironic about that is getting into that mindset often turns into people regretting those decisions. After all, they fail to realize that divorces could have been done with more civility than what we are used to seeing.



Divorce Doesn’t Always Mean Freedom

Being Free, Sky, People in nature, Light, Nature, Flash photography, Happy, Gesture

While some people see divorce as an option to get rid of someone, a divorce is a more painful process than a simple break up. Often times people lose a lot more through divorces than they realize as people are more focused on a few things that will change.

Remember that your partner isn’t just your partner. They were your family, and your best friend too. Even if you have no regrets and you left on good terms, a divorce can still be heart-wrenching.