A Look At 30 Things That You Should Never Throw In Your Regular Trash Can (3 of 6)




Sewing Machine Needles, Human body

Just like knives, needles are sharp objects and shouldn’t be thrown away in trash cans, as they can cause harm to people who come in contact with them. The ideal way to handle such waste is to get a hazardous waste bin from your doctor and keep the needles and syringes in it. Once you have enough needles in the bin, you can give the box back to the doctor who will get it disposed of safely.



Broken Glass

Cracked Glass, Azure, Branch, Organism

Broken pieces of glass are another object that shouldn’t be randomly thrown in a trash bin. Being sharp, broken glass can hurt anyone that comes in contact with it. To make sure you are doing it correctly, always wrap up pieces of glass in multiple sheets of newspaper and then tape it all around to ensure nothing falls out. You can then throw it in your trash can.




Organizer For Kitchen Counter Papers Mail, Wood

Mail you receive can easily be recycled and used again, instead of being thrown away as waste. It is, therefore, quite important that you make sure the mails are recycled. However, that is not the only reason you shouldn’t throw your waste in the trash bin. Mails from your credit card company, your doctor or even spam contain confidential information about you and your family and can possibly end up in the wrong hands, who can use it for identity theft! Instead, you can simply shred all your mail and then hand it over to the nearest recycling facility to ensure paper doesn’t go to waste.



Hot Oil

Frying, Food, Ingredient, Recipe, Fluid, Cuisine

Quite a few times we’re in such a hurry that we end up throwing hot oil in the trash bin. This can cause a lot of mess as hot oil tends to stick more. Or, if you are throwing away hot oil in the drain directly, it can create even worse situations for you. It can not only cause damage to your drainage system including pipes, but also cause sewer backups. Instead, the best way to dispose of oil is to let it cool down, and then throw it into the trash can.




Natural And Synthetic Detergent, Hand, Gesture

If you end up having extra detergent that you don’t want to use possibly because of an allergy you have or simply can’t tolerate its smell, you can simply let it flow down the drain along with the water. By doing so, you dispose of the detergent safely. On the other hand, throwing it in the trash can be hazardous for the environment, as it contains harmful toxins, which can seep into the soils and cause damage.