20 Psychological Hacks That Will Change Your Life (4 of 4)



16. Use your non-dominant hand

Left Hand, Human body, Gesture

If you’re a righty, then try to use your left hand more. This has been shown that in a critical situation, you’ll be more adaptable. Research has also shown that it can make you more open-minded if you opt to do this.



17. Yawn

Shoulder, Forehead, Face, Nose, Cheek, Head, Lip, Eyebrow, Shoulder, Eye, Mouth

If you think that you’re being watched or stared at by someone, then fake a yawn. We all know how contagious yawning is, so if someone is watching you, then they’ll probably yawn, too!



18. Watch for body language

Body Language Of Men, Footwear, Jeans, Musical instrument, Gesture

If you’ve ever wondered what someone thinks of you, then watch their body language. If they’re trusting, then they’ll be open and facing your direction. If they’re closed in and have their arms crossed, then they’re more hostile or defensive.



19. Eat a banana

Banana With Spots, Food, Banana, Cooking plantain, Saba banana, Fruit, Natural foods

If you’re feeling down, then reach for a banana. Bananas are chock full of fiber, carbohydrates and potassium. These nutrients can create serotonin, which is the chemical in your brain that makes you feel happy.



20. Keep nodding

Person Nodding, Eyelash, Gesture

Finally, if you’re making a point and you want someone to agree with you, then try to nod while you’re talking. This is a subconscious decision, but people are more likely to agree with you if you’re nodding as it’s a positive gesture.