14 Tips That Will Help You Crack That Interview And Grab Your Dream Job (3 of 3)



11. Learn a stiff handshake

A Quiet Place, Watch, Hand, Sleeve, Suit trousers, Gesture

A lot can be said about a person from their handshake. Firm handshakes are the best and show that you are extremely confident about what you’re doing. They give a great impression. On the contrary, a flimsy handshake gives a lousy impression and shows that you aren’t sure of yourself.



12. Let it not be an interrogation

Stock Photo Of People Thinking, Dress shirt, Sleeve, Gesture

Interviews shouldn’t be a question and answer session. Instead, an ideal interview is the one where the conversation flows from both sides. An interactive interview will show your interest and will help you judge the company’s requirements and their response to you. Don’t answer with a single word, like yes or no. Expand your answers and let the employers understand your thoughts.



13. Make a lasting impression

Job Interview Engineer, Product, Coat, Dress shirt, Gesture

You must always end your interview on a high note. Ask them a smart question that fills them with wonder or state something about yourself that helps you stand apart. What you say in the end will affect their decision of hiring you, which is why you must focus on what makes you unique.



14. Find means of following up

Phone Call Reference, Forehead, Smile, Eyebrow, Dress shirt, Flash photography, Sleeve, Gesture, Happy

A good interview may be useless if you can’t follow up with your recruiter. Ensure that you have the essential contact details to find out about whether you landed the job or not. Imagine the horror if your interview was great, but you couldn’t contact anyone at the company! Avoid missing out on opportunities.