Key Steps To Take To Become A Self-Made Millionaire (3 of 4)



Use Coupons

Coupons, Product, Publication

Coupons are not old school anymore. Many people are taking advantage of them and some of them can be pretty helpful. You’ll still need to be smart and read them, but you can find savings on some of the more expensive items. Items like any kind of meat, nuts, or even baking items. They’re worth checking out.

You can also consider cashback apps. There are specific apps that give you cash back when you shop at the grocery stores. One of those apps is SavingStar, which gives you your cash back or you can get gift cards too. All you need to do is once you’ve signed up, link loyalty cards to it or snap a picture of your receipt and they’ll handle the rest.



The 10 Second Rule

Asuransi Jasindo

This rule or step is for those with a tendency to impulse buy. It can be a huge problem for many people. In fact, you may have gotten all that credit card debt because of impulse buying. After all, with credit cards, it’s easy for people to forget their purchases and just buy something.

All in all, stores have found many sneaky ways for us to immediately buy and not think about our purchases, but there’s a way around them. The first trick is to always have a shopping list and stick to it. If you ever deviate, remind yourself of what’s on the list and if it’s not there – put the item back.

But here is the key thing. After you’ve set it back, take 10 seconds to think about a purchase through. Think about how your credit card statement would look at the end of the month. Think if is there anything else you need more of. Even ask yourself if you can find a better deal somewhere else. The idea is to not rush yourself and wait 10 seconds.



Have A Side-Hustle

Wedding Saving, Drinkware, Wood, Cuisine

Side gig, side-hustle, it’s all the same thing. What matters the most is that these are things that you love doing and could very well get paid for. If you love walking dogs, tutoring people, gardening, or writing, there are many ways for you to take advantage of that. And get paid to do that. And that money can be a godsend.

For one, it can give you more wiggle room and build your skills if you can’t get more hours at work. Furthermore, you can devote the earnings you get from your side gig to specific things.

On top of all of these ideas that I’ve talked about, there are still many other options out there for you to consider. The number of things you can do to save and spend money wisely is literally endless. So consider adopting these tactics wherever they may apply in your life. But I also encourage you to be creative and stick to the things you want to do.



Stop Smoking

Suga With A Cigarette, Hand, Finger, Gesture

Another destructive habit for many people is smoking. It’s addictive for many, but it also burns a massive hole in your pockets as well. We all know smoking kills us, but it can also kills us financially. From buying the packs to the future medical bills. So if you are a smoker and want to be a millionaire, this is a pretty big step to take.