10 Ways To Feel Younger (3 of 3)

8. Get the right amount of sleep

Proper Sleep, Arm, Comfort, Gesture

There may be times when you’re busy enough that you think you don’t have time for sleep but you need to ensure that you get the full 7-8 hours a night. During the night, your cells rebuild and repair themselves – but they can only do that if you’re asleep. Otherwise, your body is running like a car without gas.



9. Lower your stress levels

Stressed Employee, Glasses, Hand, Hairstyle, Arm, Vision care, Sunglasses, Eyewear, Goggles, Gesture

Stress can be one of the biggest factors when it comes to aging. Long term stress can bring on its own health problems such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue – all of which can have an effect on your physical appearance, too. Try and stay calm, focus on your thoughts and remaining positive. Make some time for yourself, take a bath – whatever it is that helps you unwind, do it.



10. Hold onto your future

Sky, Cloud, Atmosphere, Sky

It’s hard at times to remember that everything is only temporary. If you hate your job, you need to just wait until something better comes along. If you’re in a failed relationship, there’ll be someone better waiting for you. It sounds cliche but it’s true – your future is bright and if you hold onto that, you’ll look bright, too.


So, there you have it. No matter what stage you are at in life, making these few changes to your lifestyle will ensure that you hold onto your youth. Try them gradually if it seems too much at once – and you’ll see results in no time.