6 Likely Reasons Why Girls Ghost You And Then Want Back In Your Life

Breaking up with a long-time girlfriend can be difficult, but after a period of mourning you develop a sense of closure and you know it’s time to move on. On the other hand, being ghosted by someone who had hinted that she was interested in you is a real punch to the gut. She abruptly stops communicating with you and you have no idea why. Did you say something weird? Did her phone battery die? Or perhaps she’s just really busy and can’t find time to text you back? You really have no idea. But as the days pass, it dawns on you that at this point her phone is probably charged, and even the busiest person in the world would eventually respond if they were still interested in you. You come to the conclusion that she thinks you’re a loser…and then weeks or even months later she writes you out of the blue as if she hadn’t ghosted you! What in the world is going on??? By ignoring you without any explanation, didn’t she make it clear that she was done with you? Here are 6 reasons why she’s contacting you again.

Girl, Smile, Cornrows, Facial expression, Fashion, Happy

1. She’s Indecisive

She may have found you attractive, but wasn’t quite sure if you were her type, so in her mind, by ghosting you she was punting on the issue. In other words, she was keeping the door open to the possibility in the future and is now curious to know if she’s disappeared from your radar or if you’re still interested. In this scenario, she is likely to send you a message in the form of an uninspired, impersonal “Hey.” It’s best not to take the bait and simply move on.