7 Signs to Know if You’re Really Falling in Love (3 of 4)

Interaction, Table

Make Compromises

If you’re willing to let some small things slide and make compromises here and there to keep the other person happy, that’s a good sign that things are moving in the right direction. There’s nothing harder than putting yourself in second place if you’re not sure you’re fully committed to the relationship. It’s impossible to spend a long time with someone and not compromise at least a little bit anyway, no matter how well you may think you fit together.

Meal, Table, Tableware, Smile, Jheri curl, Human, Plate

Physical Stress

Stress doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. If being near this person or just thinking about them gives you physical stress like finding it harder to speak or sweating like a crazy person, that’s an obvious sign that this person is impacting your life in a positive way. Embrace the jitters! They’ll pass over time and you’ll miss them when they’re gone. And considering how much stress you’ll get in modern society anyway, it might be nice to really be mindful of something positive that gives you a bit of stress as well.