5 Reasons You Might Have Been Ghosted After a First Date (3 of 3)

Woman Laying In Bed Sad, Nose, Hair, Face, Skin, Head, Lip, Hairstyle, Eyebrow, Eye, Facial expression

4. They want to avoid confrontation

There’s no doubt that rejection hurts, and not everybody handles it well. So it’s natural that the person who is doing the rejection might not want to be made to feel guilty at best or threatened at worst. As they see it, since they aren’t interested in seeing you again, there’s no point in communicating with you at all.

How to put it into perspective – Not everybody who ghosts you is intending to be mean-spirited. They would just rather not have to tell you to your face that they aren’t interested since they figure that would probably hurt even more than simply not telling you anything at all.

Hot Woman Crying, Human, Drinkware, Sleeve, Lighting, Standing, Tableware

5. There’s a lot going on in their lives

Not every act of ghosting is intentional. If they haven’t communicated with you after your first date, it might not have anything to do with you at all. Personal crises, family emergencies, and other unexpected events do happen. So even if they enjoyed seeing you, it’s understandable that you wouldn’t be their top priority at the time.

How to put it into perspective – This is definitely a situation where your looks, personality, or even their attitudes have anything to do with them disappearing. When people go through difficult times, they either need space to think about things or they only want a small, close group of family and friends to help them through it. Who knows; once they overcome it, they might get back in touch with you. But, of course, don’t allow yourself to gain a false sense of hope. This is merely a possible explanation for why they ghosted you.