10 Life Changes You Should Make After 40 (3 of 6)

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Wake up earlier

Although we tend to wake up earlier as we age anyway, you should nonetheless make it a goal to do so once you reach 40. It can go a long way toward increasing your productivity. In particular, you can use the time to work out before everybody else wakes up, you have more time to make yourself an optimal breakfast, or you can simply unwind before your long workday. As a bonus, studies show that earlier raisers tend to have lower body mass indexes. So you might finally just lose that middle-aged gut of yours!

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Zero out any debts

Although retirement is still at least 2 decades away when you’re in your 40s, paying off your mortgage and car loans now will mean fewer financial worries in the future. Most of us reach our financial peak in our 40s, so it really is best to take care of that since the circumstances allow it. Imagine being completely debt-free once retirement hits!