9 Signs That Mutual Respect is Lacking In Your Relationship (2 of 5)

Girl Looking Everywhere Except Your Eyes, Human, Flash photography, Beard, Gesture

They give you the silent treatment

Partners will often act passive-aggressive as a way of expressing their discontent about something without directly coming out and stating what the problem is. They do this in order to avoid confrontation, but the end result is a lot of frustration, confusion and tension since you aren’t given any opportunity to resolve the issue.

Friends Man And Woman, Hair, Hairstyle, Arm, Shoulder, Flash photography, People in nature, Neck, Happy, Cloud, Sky

It’s their way or the highway

Relationships are all about compromise, but when you aren’t in the mood to attend a dinner party or have no interest in going rock climbing, your partner needs to understand and respect that you have certain boundaries. If they constantly force you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable, the relationship is going to suffer.