How to Keep Your Guy Happy: 6 Tips (3 of 4)

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4. Little gestures are an act of love

When it comes to showing him how you feel, you don’t have to surprise him with a sports car or tickets to the Super Bowl. Even simple activities can make a difference, such as planning an afternoon picnic on a nice spring day or spending a weekend in a city that you both love. Furthermore, is there something that you are better at than he is? If you do those things for him, it will free up his time to do the things you might need help with!

Couple in the morning

5. A little bit of jealousy is fine, but don’t go overboard

Having a partner who is jealous can be annoying, but it can also be a sign of flattery. After all, if you worry that he’s scoping out other girls, it sure beats having you be indifferent to it! It means you care enough about the relationship to want to be with him. But on the other hand, you need to set boundaries. For example, if you’re texting him every 5 minutes when he’s out with his friends just to keep tabs on him, he will eventually grow to resent it. It might even reach a point where he stops telling you things that he ought to because he’s concluded that you can never trust him. At the start of the relationship, sit down and agree to a set of rules so that there is transparency. This will go a long way towards eliminating jealousy.