12 Signs You’re Doing Better Than You Think You Are (2 of 7)

Tension Feeling, Hair, Joint, Shoulder, Leg, Comfort, Neck, Flash photography, Sleeve, Waist, Gesture

You can take accountability

Though you may have had some hard moments — if you can take responsibility for your part in it, you are doing better than most. For many people, it is difficult to acknowledge and take ownership of the role they play in their own suffering or heartache. If you can take accountability for yourself and your life, you are on the road to a more intentional life.

Lying Down After Sex To Conceive, Joint, Skin, Hand, Hairstyle, Shoulder, Dress, Leg, Comfort, Human body, Flash photography

You value relationships

It may be a nice thought to think of ourselves as independent, but the truth is we need people. We are all interconnected, and taking stock of your relationships and valuing them is a sign of emotional maturity.