7 Signs You’re Bad At Relationships Even If You Don’t Realize It (3 of 3)

Mean To Him, Joint, Hand, Arm, Shoulder, Eye, Comfort, Flash photography, Neck, Eyelash, Gesture

When your partner is going through difficult times, you offer no meaningful support

When your significant other is feeling down about something, the absolute worst thing you can say is “cheer up” and “get over it.” You might think your advice is useful and your intentions are good. After all, who wouldn’t want to feel good again and move on with a quick snap of the finger? But in reality, by not being there for them, you’re making this all about yourself. In other words, what you really want is for them to bounce back so that they can tend to your needs, or at least not bother you with their worries. Ultimately, we never have a right to tell others — not even our partners — how they should feel since it is another sign of control. You don’t have to be a seasoned psychologist in order to find ways to offer comfort to your partner.

Cheater Lover, Hand, People in nature, Happy, Mobile phone, Gesture

You pay more attention to your smartphone than to your partner

We get that it’s nearly impossible to put down our smartphones in this day and age, but there are times when you need to take a pause from counting up your “likes” on Instagram. For instance, when you’re on a date with your partner. Going to the cinema or restaurant with them so that you can claim to be physically together isn’t enough; you need to remain engaged. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been with him/her for two weeks or two decades, your complete focus should be on them, not scrolling through your Twitter feed or texting your friends. If you find yourself doing your own things even when you’re at the same table, it signifies that there is some big disconnect in your relationship.