10 Life Lessons To Keep Close To Your Heart (3 of 3)

Gaslighting, Shoe, Hairstyle, Leg, Flash photography, Temple

Learn from heartbreak and pain

Pain is a natural process and cannot be avoided whether we’re talking about relationships, the death of a loved one, or losing a friendship for whatever reason. Since we all have to deal with pain, it serves as a way to learn and become stronger. Don’t deny pain; accept it and grow.

Photograph, Sky, Plant, People in nature, Tree, Dress, Natural landscape, Gesture

Accept the good and bad

Life is a rollercoaster. Some days you’ll be on Cloud Nine and other days will be decidedly awful. But as the saying goes, you can’t see rainbows unless you experience rain. The best approach is to deal with the bad so that when good moments happen, you appreciate them more. Everything that happens to you helps shape you as a person, so embrace it all.

Photography, Hand, Furniture, Personal computer, Laptop, Table, Human, Fashion, Flash photography, Eyewear

Control what you are able to control

We can’t always control every situation since events are dictated by multiple actors. If somebody drives their car into your garage, it’s hard to imagine how you could have prevented it. On the other hand, you should never let other people dictate your overall happiness. There are 1,440 minutes in a day; don’t let the 10 minutes of misfortune ruin the remaining 1,430. When you are able to control the situation, you will find that the happy moments far outweigh the bad ones.