14 Jobs That People Love The Most To Do (3 of 3)

Mortgage Officer, Table, Gesture

Loan Officer

While not always the most ethically praised people in the world, loan officers are generally pretty happy with their jobs. You get paid to seal the deal on loans for other people, so you get all the rewards and none of the risks.

Communication, Computer, Hand, Personal computer, Laptop, Table, Product, Desk, Output device, Automotive design, Gesture

Quality Analyst

While not very much loved by their colleagues because of what they do, as they must be able to interpret and implement quality assurance standards in the company, quality analysts are generally pretty happy with their jobs because you get to work with everyone in the company but still maintain a very large degree of freedom.

Research Scientists, Product, Laboratory, Scientist, Safety glove, Research, Researcher, Chemistry


The discovery of new things and the realization of innovations is a thrill like none other. It’s not hard to imagine why researchers love their jobs, and the world would definitely be worse off without researchers in it. Researches have changed our world and continue to change it.

Business Management Class, Table, Hand, Window, Human, Coat, Tableware

Team Leader

While the ability to lead isn’t given to everyone, people that get put in positions of leadership usually find their job very satisfying. They motivate and inspire their team every day. The people that are a part of that team might disagree, but don’t let that ruin the happiness!